
View the Project on GitHub petrickjerico/ip

User Guide

Welcome to the Duke user guide.

Duke is a desktop app that helps you keep track of your tasks and schedule.

Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Download the latest duke.jar from here.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Duke.
  4. Start the jar file from a terminal using java -jar duke.jar. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.
  5. Type in a command in the command box to execute it. Type help to see all the commands available.
  6. Refer to features below for details of each command.

Alternatively, you can double-click on the jar file at step 4 to start Duke.



Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user. e.g. in todo NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as event abc /at 2020-02-02.

DATE should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

INDEX should be a positive integer.

Add a Todo Task: todo

Creates a new non-dated todo item.

Usage: todo NAME

Example of usage: todo fold clothes

Expected outcome: Creates a todo task with name fold clothes

Add an Event Task: event

Creates a new dated event item.

Usage: event NAME /at DATE

Example of usage: event meetup /at 2020-10-10

Expected outcome: Creates an event task with name meetup at date Oct 10 2020

Add a Deadline Task: todo

Creates a new dated deadline item.

Usage: deadline NAME /by DATE

Example of usage: deadline homework /by 2020-09-09

Expected outcome: Creates a deadline task with name homework at date Sep 09 2020

View Tasks List: list

Shows all tasks in a numbered list, sorted by date created. Also gives the count of pending tasks.

Mark a Task as done: done

Marks the task at a given index as done.

Usage: done INDEX

Example of usage: done 2

Expected outcome: Marks task number 2 as done

Delete a Task: delete

Deletes the task at a given index. Also updates the count of pending tasks as necessary.

Usage: delete INDEX

Example of usage: delete 3

Expected outcome: Deletes task number 3 as done. If task 3 was not done yet, pending count decreases.

Find a Task: find

Finds all tasks that contain a given name.

Usage: find NAME

Example of usage: find meet

Expected outcome: Shows the tasks meet with friends and team meeting

Update a Task: update

Changes a detail of the task at a given index. Possible detail changes include: name, date and undo.

a. Change name: name

Usage: update INDEX name NEW

Example of usage: update 1 name wash dishes

Expected outcome: Changes the name of task number 1 to wash dishes

b. Change date: date

Usage: update INDEX date NEW

Example of usage: update 2 date 2020-08-08

Expected outcome: Changes the date of task number 2 to Aug 8 2020

c. Change status: undo

Usage: update INDEX undo

Example of usage: update 3 undo

Expected outcome: Changes the status of task 3 to pending.

Help for Commands: help

Lists down all possible commands with explanation.

Exit Duke: bye

Saves your task lists and exits the app after a short message